Modifying timelines

After defining a timeline's basic components, you can make useful changes such as adding and removing frames, changing the start time of the animation, and so on.

To modify a timeline:

Do any of the following:

To make the animation take longer, drag the end frame marker.
To make the layer reach the keyframe position sooner or later, move the keyframe marker to right or left in the bar.
To change the start time of an animation, select the entire bar and drag it left or right.
To shift the location of an entire animation path, select the entire bar and then drag the object on the page. Dreamweaver adjusts the position of all keyframes. Making any type of change with an entire bar selected changes all the keyframes.
To add or remove frames in the Timeline, choose Modify > Timeline > Add Frame or Remove Frame.
To make the timeline play automatically when the page opens in a browser, click Autoplay. Autoplay attaches a behavior to the page that executes the Play Timeline action when the page loads.
To make the timeline loop continuously, click Loop. Loop attaches a behavior to the page's BODY tag that executes the Loop Timeline action when the page loads. You can edit the parameters for this behavior to define the number of loops.